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Smart meters how enterprises out of the market tight encirclement
2014-12-01 10:12:30

Smart meters how enterprises out of the market tight encirclement
Earlier this year, China State Grid Corp also announced plans to install smart meter smart meters in 2011 and 2012 32000000, the national grid smart meter program bidding quantity respectively is 55000000, 55000000, the actual smart meter bidding quantity respectively is only about 67660000, only 76030000, two-year cumulative planning to reach 130.6% completion rate. By the end of 2012, the China State Grid Corp has accumulated bidding smart meter 184000000. In 2013 for smart meter is also far more than 70000000. Data from the point of view, this year the domestic smart meter bidding quantity has been far less than in previous years, a unified decreased seems to have become inevitable.
Therefore, domestic enterprises on the one hand, smart meters in smart meter market confidence at the same time also had to do with his hands to the smart meter, in the increasingly fierce market competition, the number of domestic network talent is fixedly placed in it, in the competition for the country's net orders at the same time, the intelligent electric meter how enterprises in the domestic the market limited the space inside the seeking for the development of this problem will be placed in front of the smart meter manufacturer.
Smart meter is intelligent terminal of smart grid, in addition to the traditional electric energy meter with the basic measurement function power outside, in order to adapt to the smart grid and new energy use it also has multiple rate measurement function, the user terminal control function, multiple data transmission modes of the bidirectional data communication, electricity stealing prevention function of intelligent functions intelligent electric meter, represent the future development direction of terminal energy saving intelligent grid end users intelligent.
With the smart grid construction continues to accelerate, nature also cannot lack of intelligent ammeter role, with the development of smart grid, the world also increases, increasing demand for intelligent user terminal according to the statistics, in the next 5 years, the construction of smart grid in the countries all over the world, smart meters installed in the global number will be up to 200000000.
Therefore, on the premise of global smart meter installation is very hot, for the development of smart meter market, smart meter production enterprises can not lose confidence.
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