- 2012-06-14 10:39:19
Permanent magnetic circuit breaker development stage achievement
The electrically independent research and development of permanent magnetic actuator series HV vacuum circuit breaker, it achieved a breakthrough, especially in double-wound bistable permanent magnetic circuit breaker development, obtained level sex research.
The results are based on the electromagnetic drive, permanent magnet to maintain the theoretical model, the original development: such as : the decrease of air damping and magnetic components design, high magnetic materials magnetic shield structure design, the MCU control IGBT power electronic control platform design of electromagnet and permanent magnet energy conversion, the space structure design. At the same time, product design but also the integration of" simplicity, stability, maintenance-free " concept, through repeated test and measurement, the prototype performance level is higher than the standard requirements. The products in the near future will be exhibited, this mark is exert oneself into new product development work has made new progress, also indicates that the company of new electrical industry gradually rise.
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